Your Benzie County Road Commission
Board of Road Commissioners
Robert Rosa, Chairman
Jim Bowers, Vice-Chairman
Paul Beechraft, Member
Troy Hinds, Manager Ext. 207
Scott Fasel, Superintendent Ext. 211
Mike Johnson, Fleet and Facility Manager Ext. 204
Mary Kalbach, Office Administrator Ext. 201
Rose Roelofs, Payroll Specialist Ext 202
Tyler Machiela, Foreman Ext. 203
Isaac Hohman - Foreman Ext. 206
Established in 1930, the Benzie County Road Commission has a three-member Board of Road Commissioners who are elected by the voters. The Benzie County Board of Commissioners decides whether road commissioners are appointed or elected. Until 2010, our Road Commissioners were appointed. Road Commissioners serve six-year terms. The terms are staggered so that all Commissioners are not up for re-election at the same time.
The county road system consists of both primary and local roads. Primary roads are generally paved roads that function as either minor or major collectors. The local road system consists of all other roads that are under the jurisdiction of the Benzie County Road Commission. Currently we have 180 miles of Primary Roads and 446 Miles of Local Roads (including seasonal roads). In addition, the Benzie County Road Commission maintains 155 Lane miles of State Trunkline under contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation.
County road commissions were organized by Public Act 283 of 1909 to achieve two primary goals:
To provide continuity in road construction and maintenance across the state.
To provide cost-efficient and high-quality road services for county roads.
Each of Michigan’s 83 counties is served by a county road agency. County road commissions are not a direct part of the general county government, except in Wayne County which has a Public Services Department instead of a road commission.